Our Manifesto


In a globalized world, the loss of native languages and cultures among immigrant children has become a common problem. These children, detached from their roots, struggle with a weakened sense of self-identity, making it difficult for them to feel a sense of belonging in society.
According to scientific research, children who cannot learn their native language often struggle with academic failure, social maladjustment, and psychological issues. Since this situation negatively impacts the development of societies, it is urgently necessary to change this broken system.

At Roots & Talks, we make native language instruction fun and effective for children with our curriculum and game-based interactive education developed within the framework of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) standards.

We respect the individual differences of each child and offer personalized one-on-one lessons, allowing children to learn their native languages according to their own interests, needs, and pace, all from the comfort of their homes, at a time and day that suits them.

Our call to parents is clear and direct:

Do not let your child lose their native language!

Give your children the opportunity to learn their own identities and roots, and empower them!
Let's all together build a confident and strong future for our children!